Of all those flowers in the garden that are reminders of Easter time is the reliable Daffodil.... with so many varieties available I wouldn't know where to start other than to say what a wonderful bright and cheerful display they make and enough to bring a smile to most people's faces especially on a day with the rain pounding at the windows as it is today!
"When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils"
from William Wordsworth's "Daffodils"
Over this past week we've infact had some lovely weather in between numerous showers but even in the rain these beautiful spring flowers still looking gorgeous.
Earlier in the week I cut the grass in our woodland area and it was lovely to see the primroses all in bloom on the bank where I first planted a few going back about 3 years now and they're really starting to multiply which is exactly what I had in mind. Along with these beautiful spring flowers come the little cowslips which you don't find in the wild so much here - my Mum had grown these from seed which I brought on and planted out a couple of years ago - as well as the primroses they are more than happy in their new home and provide essential pollen for bees and insects at this time of year.
A view through the Cherry trees below the main garden - the bank of primroses are to the left.

Another of my spring favorites is the trusty Autumn Flowering Cherry - Prunus x subhirtilla "Autumnalis Rosea" - a beautiful tree bearing masses of pale pink blossom - ideal for those with a smallish garden too (not that we have a small garden!)

This is a view across the main area of our back garden - behind me as I'm taking this picture is the woodland to give you an idea of the layout... the garden always starts off with relatively little height other than the shrubs and trees but as the year progresses height increases with the mass of perennials and roses that we have.... watch this space!

This is Hamish my lovely black and white cat that came all the way from the UK with us - as you can see he's more than at home enjoying the warmth of the sunshine on his tummy - he's a huge character and is really quite a monkey... known for his acts of thieving food - his best was his attempt at fishing out my lamb chops from under the grill with his bear paws... caught in the act at the last minute I saved my supper!!!! Butter wouldn't melt in this picture though!

This little gem of a polyanthus originated from my parents' garden in Cornwall.

These beautiful double Polyanthus were in the garden when we arrived - the previous owners loved their garden and I discovered these under a thick cover of Brambles and Ivy!

I know many of you enjoyed the previous posting with the Pulmonaria - this is another variety - Pulmonaria Opal - with a much paler blue flower but quite beautiful!

The Japanese Quince - Chaenomeles speciosa is another spring favorite - pruned back well in the early part of winter seems to be the secret in creating a spectacular show of flowers at this time of year - looks quite stunning when in full bloom - these flowers are followed by pretty leaves and fruits if you're lucky!

More favorites - these flowering currants I grew from hardwood cuttings a few years back and they've come on a treat since... the cuttings took easily so one to try perhaps?
The first Anenome has just appeared cheekily pushing it's head through the grasses! I love these flowers which had some vibrant colour to borders.

This is the area I planted up only last year under the Oak tree to the front of our house - you can see the edge of our neighbour's house in the background - all the plants are coming on well - more photos of these to come in future postings!

This is a photo to the side of our property - the area of grass was sown only a few years back at the same time as I planted the shrubs which form a loose boundary with our neighbour - a good mix of shrubs offering a mix of colour and structure for much of the year round as well as a mix of berries and blooms for wildlife.

And to round off..
"For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inwood eye,
Which is the bliss of solitude,
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
final verse from Daffodils - William Wordsworth
Hope you all have a wonderful Easter Weekend!