After a fairly rubbish night's sleep last night with the strong winds and yet more very heavy rain here I pulled myself out of bed at 9.40am to go and get Lucy out and was stopped in my tracks on the stairs when I noticed we had a visitor poised quietly on the roof of the bird table - a large Sparrow Hawk - thinking this must be like the equivalent of a Macdonalds Drive-Thru for him or her - with free ready meals!! There wasn't a Blue Tit in sight! So I rushed back upstairs to try and get a shot of the bird and this was the only one I managed through an upstairs window before it took off! It was a nice surprise on such a dismal morning!
Sorry I've not been around visiting blogs much this week but have been busy working on a garden design for some French clients which has certainly kept me busy.
However in odd moments during the week I did manage to get one or two pictures which I've been storing up for my weekend posting. This young Great Spotted Woodpecker sat for ages after filling himself up on peanuts from the feeder - I wouldn't be surprised if he was one of last year's babies which I'd captured on the bird table last summer.
The weather has played a predominant part this week - I think we've had the wettest weather we've ever had in the last 7 years now in Brittany - at least Lucy was making the most it!
This is the field just below our house looking towards the road - the water right up to the arch on the stone bridge (hidden by the bushes!).
The stream which runs along the bottom of our woodland is now a complete torrent which has flooded almost as far as our French farming neighbours - this is only the second time that the little bridge over the stream has been completely immersed too. We had very strong winds last night but from what I could see no real damage which was a relief.

The spring flowers have certainly benefitted from all the extra watering - the daffodils are almost out, Hellebores continue to bloom and finally the lovely red Camelia has fully opened!
This morning I discovered one solitary flower on the Pulmonaria had braved the elements too. With the rain the perfume from the Lonicera was amazing... it's not an easy shrub to photo with such delicate flowers but a real favorite.
During the week of horrible weather it's been nice to see a few snowdrops and bright yellow crocus without having to go out of the house!