Sitting on the sofa in our sitting room, quietly eating my lunch and watching television at the same time, I suddenly noticed a movement in our woodburner (which wasn't lit thankgoodness!) I thought nothing of it and continued to watch the television thinking that I'd imagined something. I then noticed another movement and then was completely taken aback with what I saw next...
It was a little beak, a little blue head peering out through the glass door and when I took a closer look it was a Blue Tit... which had come all the way down our massive chimney (our house is probably the equivalent of 3 storeys high) and done it's final journey down the flue pipe of the woodburner landing in a good pile of soft cold ash from the evening before - how it wasn't injured is a mystery.
Hi Miranda,
Wow, that's one amazing story! So glad to hear the little bluey was safe and sound in the end :)
No doubt it was searching for a nest site/warmth I can't imagine it fell and was unable to fly out again as they're so small.
Dear Miranda, I am delighted to have discovered your site through your kindness in picking my latest posting.
I enjoyed reading your account of the travels of the blue tit. How extraordinary. I am so pleased that it was unharmed - sometimes the shock of such a happening can be fatal.
I have signed myself up as a 'Follower' and will look forward to future postings.
Whew! Our hero! I know that you are relieved to have discovered the sweet bird! gail
Hi Miranda, Wow, this is quite an amazing story! I would have done the same thing...we all love our photos, but we love the wildlife & birds more, when it comes right down to it. Your quick thinking most likely prevented it from getting too out-of-sorts and flying all around the inside of your house! I am happy to have found your blog, I'm a nature and wildlife lover, too. You have some lovely photos and great stuff here! Jan
Hi Miranda.....what a wonderful story.....thank goodness the little chap suffered no injuries and that you noticed he was there. Alls well that ends well.
It took me back to a late summers evening three years ago. My husband and I were reading in the sitting room. I had just closed the outside doors. Out of the corner of my eye I could see movement. Thought nothing of it and put it down to my imagination.
Suddenly I noticed it again. We were sharing the sitting room with a bat. Like you I got up, opened the doors and stood aside and off he went......
We have had heavy snowfalls overnight......this really has been a horrible winter.
Oh my goodness. I am always going on about how brilliant our log burner is and had thought it was impossible for any thing to get in from the chimney top! The rooks used to drop things down the chimney before it was lined but it hasn't happened since. Thanks for the warning.
Oh my goodness, what a blessing you didn't have a fire lit! Well done on getting it out safely, I bet your lunch tasted good after that.
I remember we had a Starling fall down the chimney in our bedroom some years ago and it wasn't easy getting it out.
Thanks for your comments Liz - it's a very tall chimney with a cowel on the top so it is possible that it couldn't fly out - I was just thankful there wasn't a fire burning as well... I'd agree as well as garden centres or nurserys sweety shops come a close second!!! Miranda
Hi Edith - a warm welcome to my blog and thanks so much for visiting...I'm making the most of this time of year whilst it is slightly quieter with all of my work to enjoy other people's blogs and to add some postings to mine... all too soon I know there won't be quite as much time for all this... I love it! Do pop over again... Miranda
Hi Gail - I was extremely glad to be there at the same time as this little chap arrived.. and it left me feeling good about things as he left for the skies ... hope you're having a good week - Miranda x
Dear Cheryl... thanks so much for popping over - I thought you were on a blogging break!?? Couldn't stay away?! Do hope your snow goes soon and that you can get on with all your projects... we've also had snow as you'll see by my posting today :-)Miranda x
Thanks for popping over Chris - I was so relieved the little bird was okay... and amazing that I was there just at the right time too! Have a good week - Miranda
Thanks for popping over Shy Songbird - the most extraordinary story but it made my day that he escaped unharmed... today we've had snow so there have been more birds in the garden than ever... take care Mirandax
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