I cannot believe looking out of the window today that I was outside gardening in a t-shirt at the weekend... almost too warm and we've had a good covering of snow, freezing cold winds and it's like a scene from the Arctic! (not quite perhaps!).
The birds have been eating loads and I really can't blame the poor things (put in the same situation who wouldn't!?).
Hope you enjoy the photos I've taken today both from inside and out... this first photo is of a little male Siskin... we've still got loads of them in the garden which is great.
Poor little Gold Finch - feathers all puffed out trying to keep warm!
This was a view of the bird table from the upstairs bedroom with a glimpse of our one token Brambling who was making the most of a good feed. We don't get many of these - the last one I saw was last winter.
Plenty of visitors enjoying some extra food... Great Tits, Blue Tits, Greenfinches, Goldfinches and Siskins and our new visitor - the Brambling!
This was our Christmas tree from 3 years ago which is enjoying it's new life in the woodland!
Later this afternoon I ventured out with Lucy... difficult to see but this was in the middle of a blizzard!
This is a lovely walk all along the top of a river bank - there are plenty of fox holes along here - no foxes or deer spotted today as we often do. The weather is due to clear up tomorrow but time will tell...