The 1st official day of Spring was yesterday believe it or not?! In Brittany, it feels nothing like Springtime at the moment... it has done for the odd day but back to cold wet and soggy days - no wonder the poor plants and the birds are confused.
That all said and done spring colour is starting to fill out the garden gradually and so wanted to brighten up your day with some seasonal shots from our garden...
Photos taken during a dry spell!
What would we do Miranda without the hardy helebores, snowdrops and early daffs to keep us going as these long winters drag on and on.... let me think?....April 20th, we'll have a hot day, put it in your diary!
Fabulous collection of Hellebores. It's wonderful to see so many lovely signs of Spring. Let's hope the conditions change for you soon.
Lovely to be able to see some cheerful flowers. Mine were covered in snow last night.
Hi Andrew - What would we do without these plants indeed! However whilst the UK lies underneath yet another covering of snow, the weather here today has been unusually mild as of late and we've had our first swallows arrive!! The earliest I've ever known them in the 10 yrs we've been here - crazy!
Bernie - many thanks for visiting my blog for the first time - glad you like the photos - weather has been warmer today but due to get colder again this week :-(
Hi MMJ - thanks again for visiting.. sorry to hear that your plagued with snow... I must admit I love the snow and we never have enough... having spent a few years living in the Highlands I miss it! Hope all your plants aren't suffering too much.
Great photos of the hellebores. They make Spring come sooner. Here none of that yet. Maybe in a couple more weeks here on the shores of Lake Michigan in USA it will happen. We still have lots of snow on the ground a pretty cold temperatures. I really do want Spring. this was my first time visiting your blog. Liked it. jack
Hi Jack - a welcome to my blog and thank you so much for leaving me a comment - as you'll probably know, many parts of the UK has snow on the ground right now but we've not had v. much here which is a shame in a way but on the other hand the flowers are all starting to come out and birds even starting to nest too... Miranda
Beautiful shots of hellebores! I am glad to see your spring slowly but surely beginning to come in; hopefully the snow is gone till next winter! Our spring also has arrived in dribbles this year.
Thank you Debsgarden - great to have you visit my blog and glad you liked the pics! Spring is certainly v. slow in coming forward this year... a few steps forward as it was last weekend - even saw 3 swallows - the earliest in 3 years that I've seen them here! Everything is late in the garden this year and the grass slowly growing (which is a relief!) I see snow is forecast for tomorrow so winter is not gone yet! Have a lovely Easter - Miranda
Beautiful hellebores, seems like you are a bit furtehr ahead than us here in London, I have still hellebores yet to flower!
Have a lovely Easter :-)
Your hellebores shots are beautiful. I am happy spring is here as well....however slowly it emerges.
I love Hellebores and have a few myself. I just noticed today some are blooming even though we had a snow storm this morning. Really tough cookies those plant. Nice photos.
Helene - thank you for visiting my blog - hope you had a Happy Easter and maybe with the sunshine your Hellbores are that little bit further on!
Sage Butterfly - thank you so much for visiting my blog and glad you liked the shots... Helebores are amazing the way they seem to survive the harsh weather and there has been a really good display this year.
Hi GTGW - thankyou for visiting my blog - your first visit I think? Does the snow ever give up... we've had very hard frosts these past few days and am hoping it doesn't affect the fruit blossom as it did last year...
Beautiful Hellebores. Popped in via your link on Debs Garden.
Glad I did...great blog!
Hi Angie - thank you so much for visiting my blog and always nice to know how my blog is found.. Debs garden looks fabulous! Will take a look at your own blog shortly... enjoy the rest of your week... currently freezing cold here in Brittany and threatening sleet tomorrow :-(
Hi Angie - thank you so much for visiting my blog and always nice to know how my blog is found.. Debs garden looks fabulous! Will take a look at your own blog shortly... enjoy the rest of your week... currently freezing cold here in Brittany and threatening sleet tomorrow :-(
Hi Angie - thank you so much for visiting my blog and always nice to know how my blog is found.. Debs garden looks fabulous! Will take a look at your own blog shortly... enjoy the rest of your week... currently freezing cold here in Brittany and threatening sleet tomorrow :-(
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