With all the rain we've had this year as well as the added warmth - many plants have done well this year - this includes the grass which seems to be growing at a mammoth rate!

Despite losing my first attempts to growing sweet peas earlier this year, to a greedy mouse, the second sowing that I did were planted out last weekend and are already producing some beautiful flowers - these are a real favorite of mine - the more you pick them the more they flower! So this was another opportunity to create another hazel structure which I must admit am really pleased with... the birds have decided that it's a great place for a stop over before the reach the bird table!

Another of my summer favorites which I grew from seed this year are the sunflowers - very easy to grow - they're lovely and bright and the birds love the seeds. With their wonderful open blooms are perfect for many of the garden's pollinating insects too. There are many varieties of sunflower worth trying - if you've got a restricted space there are a number of dwarf ones too.
Nigella or Love in a Mist is another great little plant and a reliable annual that readily re-seeds itself - the flowers are as lovely as the
seed heads later on.
Euphorbias are a crucial ingredient to a successfully planted border - they make great cut flowers but do be careful to wear gloves when picking as the white sap which often oozes from the stems can cause skin allergies.

I always wish the Day
Lillies lasted longer but as their name suggests - their blooms last but a day but I wouldn't be without them - to keep a good display of flowers it really is worth diving them up in the autumn to avoid them getting too congested.

This lovely
Dianthus was a bargain - whereas I normally buy plants from the local nurseries round here I found this in the local supermarket, looking like it needed a good home - and if you look carefully - yes I did get three varieties all in one large pot and all for 3 Euros!

Whilst on the subject of pink flowers I thought I'd add in this beautiful
Cystus - a beautiful plant with almost paper like petals - ideal if you're looking to add a touch of boldness to an area of planting.

Last but not least - these beautiful orange Californian Poppies which come up every year in the gravel in the driveway and since in other areas of the garden too which is great!
I could add so much more, but this will have to wait to future posts... Bonne weekend!