I obviously hope you enjoy browsing through the postings on here - do feel free to leave comments as it's always good to see who's visiting and to hear about other people's experiences - after all you never stop learning do you?

If you've any gardening questions or you live in Brittany and are looking for some gardening help - be it design work, planting or general gardening or you simply would like some advice, please don't hesitate to CONTACT ME or call me on 0033 661 77 23 89 (from UK) or 0661 77 23 89 (from France).

Happy gardening!

Friday, 20 June 2008

My latest addition to my rose collection....

Going to plant fares, I must admit brings as much joy to me now as going to the local sweet shop when I was growing up - the only difference is most plants are more expensive!! I console myself that creating a nice garden will of course always add value to your property...

Last weekend we visited the Jardin d'Eau (a nursery as well as a beautiful garden) near to Plelan le Petit in rural Brittany - once a year in the middle of June they have an open weekend with a good variety of people exhibiting their plants and garden related wares - it's a lovely garden to walk around with plenty to see including their great selection of aquatic plants and ideas of how to include even a small water feature into your garden. To conclude - finish off your visit with a French Crepe, washed down with a glass of local cider.

Anyway - getting back to the reason for my posting was to share a picture of the beautiful Rosa "Mrs Oakley Fisher" - an old rose which originated in around 1921 I believe - the colour of its' blooms are incredible - almost translucent apricot.... if I'd found this before I'd definitely have bought one!


Cheryl said...

Now that, without any shadow of a doubt, is a beautiful rose. I would have that in my garden without any hesitation, no matter what the cost.

Miranda Bell said...

Wow Cheryl - your comments literally came as I've finished... you must be sat at your computer too! I've looked on the web and this can be ordered from Pococks Roses http://www.garden-roses.co.uk/products.asp?partno=16280 - if you ever want to order roses in the UK, I've found they are one of the best - especially great for sending roses as a present! Glad you liked it!

kate smudges said...

The plant fare must have been great fun ... you did well! I love the colour of this rose - so simple yet breathtaking. Definitely is a great addition to your rose collection.

I don't know what French Crepe is ...