I obviously hope you enjoy browsing through the postings on here - do feel free to leave comments as it's always good to see who's visiting and to hear about other people's experiences - after all you never stop learning do you?

If you've any gardening questions or you live in Brittany and are looking for some gardening help - be it design work, planting or general gardening or you simply would like some advice, please don't hesitate to CONTACT ME or call me on 0033 661 77 23 89 (from UK) or 0661 77 23 89 (from France).

Happy gardening!

Tuesday 11 May 2010

So busy with gardening and not enough hours to blog...

There comes a point in the spring every year when my work just takes over and leaves me with v. little time to put into my blog and I can only apologise to everyone who's supported and followed my blog over the months and years now - you're all very patient!

Up until recently we've been having some wonderful weather which has spurred the garden on no end in terms of growth and development - it's been one of the best years for the Lilac that I can remember since we arrived here - most other years the blooms have been badly damaged by late frosts and the spring flowers have been fantastic... the daffodils now almost completely over leave the stage open for all the other wonderful plants to follow!

We've also been busy adding one or two changes to the garden - the latest project was adding some steps down from the garden into our woodland which make life a lot easier as well as giving me another opportunity to plant as well!  As you can see from this photos our hedging is already needing a trim but am hoping to hold back for a few weeks if I can as don't want to disturb the many nesting birds who currently have young families.

The garden is changing a great deal at the moment but here are a series of photos I've taken over the last few weeks...

The plants are also ever changing with so many almost there but here are some of my favorite shots over the last few weeks which I hope you'll enjoy too.  The Aquilegias have been amazing!
This is the Cornus Alba which I planted along with the Ribes and the two together a quite stunning!
Some of our woodland plants...
I'm not quite sure how we ended up with the pretty mix of both white and blue Forget Me Nots but they're lovely.
This is the first year we've had flowers on Magnolia "Susan"
I love the young ferns unfurling in the sunlight!
Prunus padus another woodland favorite with very fragrant blossom which sadly doesn't last very long :-(
Returning to the main garden these Pansies are always a cheery sight!
I couldn't do a posting at this time of year without the tulips...
Two other favorites are the Rubus which I purchased in Cornwall - "Olympic Double" which produces some beautiful double magenta/pink flowers and the other is Prunus Kanzan.
The final pictures I cannot help but leave you with a these really cute shots of the baby Dunnocks that I discovered in a client's garden - the nest had sadly been blown from the Leylandii trees and they'd found themselves in the big wide world slightly too early... do hope they survived okay...

This leaves me with one final view out from our woodland and with that would like to wish you a good rest of the week, happy gardening and hope that it's not too long again before I can post some more from our garden and beyond - I will try and get to look at some of my favorite blogs and there are many now so do be patient and please don't take it personally if it takes me a while...