It's been a good weekend for getting on with the endless list of jobs to do in the garden - amidst many showers but then you always need a good excuse to come in for some refreshment!!

At one point this weekend I counted 13
Greenfinches around or on our bird table at once... and always with them is the little female
Siskin... I did however very momentarily spot the male eating the peanuts on Saturday so he is around too which is great. They really are horrible to each other - I think this photo says it all!

The other great excitement today is that Nevil (our male Nuthatch) brought his lady friend to the bird table - interesting to look at the contrasting breast colours as they are markedly different with the male having much more
salmony/orange breast and the female colouring much much paler - she's not quite as bossy as Nevil.... will have to think up a name for her now... any suggestions???

To finish off with the garden would not be complete without the Robin...
Enjoy your week and see you all soon!