What a wonderful weekend we had - perfect weather for continuing to clear some of the areas of the garden and prepare the vegetable garden in particular. It's always a good idea to clear away the weeds from your veg patch to help cut down the spread of weed seeds as the warmer weather arrives - weeds are also harbourers of disease too. So with all this out of the way, and having given the soil a light dig over, it was great spreading all of

last year's compost heap over the top - to add essential organic matter to the soil to help with growth of this year's crop, will also keep the soil mulched until sowing starts and help to protect the soil and avoid unnessary loss of minerals which can get washed away during heavy rain. Frost and worm activity will help mix this compost layer into the soil and with a final dig at the time of sowing it should provide a good base for a good year of veg growing! That's the plan at least.... so watch this space...
It is a very satisfying job covering beds with compost - brings planting and sowing that little bit nearer!
I think this is totally true - and nothing nicer than lovely homegrown veg!
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