It's been a good weekend for getting on with the endless list of jobs to do in the garden - amidst many showers but then you always need a good excuse to come in for some refreshment!!

At one point this weekend I counted 13
Greenfinches around or on our bird table at once... and always with them is the little female
Siskin... I did however very momentarily spot the male eating the peanuts on Saturday so he is around too which is great. They really are horrible to each other - I think this photo says it all!

The other great excitement today is that Nevil (our male Nuthatch) brought his lady friend to the bird table - interesting to look at the contrasting breast colours as they are markedly different with the male having much more
salmony/orange breast and the female colouring much much paler - she's not quite as bossy as Nevil.... will have to think up a name for her now... any suggestions???

To finish off with the garden would not be complete without the Robin...
Enjoy your week and see you all soon!
Lovely photographs....I love to watch the birds, always so entertaining..... I have many greenfinch in the garden....always hard to photograph, so well done....
Thanks Cheryl - the birds make great entertainment... the Greenfinches especially funny - you can almost imagine the swear words coming out as they try and get rid of their friends!! Hope you've been having a good weekend - anymore snow? We had a tiny bit yesterday but since late afternoon lots of rain :-( Have a good week Miranda x
Robins just bounce around the garden totally unconcerned by anything else. No wonder they were given a red breast to announce their arrival.
Nicole or Nadine?
Hi Easygardener - thanks for visiting... I love Robins and infact have just got a nesting box fixed up - an open one especially for Robins so am really hoping that we'll get some little ones this year! I reckon Nicole would be a good name - it kind of goes with Nevil!
Those Greenfinches are lovely birds and you captured them well. Your Robin looks quite different than ours here.
How about Nora the Nuthatch? :-)
Hi Connie - my apologies for not replying to your posting earlier but it's been a crazy week... thank you for your kind message - it's great to see the different birds on other blogs especially those you don't get yourself... Nora the Nuthatch is doing well and becoming a regular visitor so am really hoping we might get the sight of baby nuthatches in the late spring! Hope you're well yourself.. Miranda
Just popped in to look at your lovely garden ,I love the wildlife too ...and I love a little snow !I will pop in again soon . :)
Hi Flowerpot - welcome to my blog and many thanks for popping by! Really glad you liked the pictures - will have to take a visit to your blog now... Miranda
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