These are certainly not the magical shots that I've enjoyed on many of the UK blogs that I follow but wanted to post the scenes from around our garden over the last 2 days as it was pretty!
This is one of my favorite places to sit with mug of coffee on slightly warmer mornings!!

I was glad that I'd dug over the vegetable garden and at least mulched the rhubarb crowns with some of the well rotted down compost that I've made this year as well as the majority of our fruit bushes. Once the ground is free of snow I'll cover the rest of the areas too - all ready for planting in the months to come.

Our leeks seem to be surviving okay despite the cold.

The snow drops looked so delicate but they're very
resilient in the cold weather.
Phormiums are wonderful additions to the garden providing some wonderful colour as well as form - there are many varieties too.

This is a must have in a wildlife garden - the ivy provides a food source for birds as it seems to harbour many insects - the blue tits have spent hours working their way over the bushes, so there must be something worth having! It also provides an ideal form of shelter and a good nesting site too.

I'd not be without the
Helebores - along with the little white flowers of
Helebore "Niger" this was one of the first out this year - beautiful with the deep pink edges to the flowers and makes a beautiful contrast to the green.

And a few more scenes from around our garden....

I've just been out to give the birds their feast of the day - there seem to be more than ever... poor little things must be hungry with having to keep themselves warm over night :-(
Sadly as I write it's horrible outside - freezing cold, sleety/rain and definitely a day for spending indoors by a good log fire with nice mugs of coffee... Unfortunately this won't be the case as I've some design work to be getting on with which is great especially when you get weather like this.
I was hoping to get this posted earlier but then encountered problems with my camera and it was looking as if it had ended its days when all of a sudden the problem righted itself... so am really hoping it was just a minor glitch! Hope you're all keeping warm and well wrapped up...
Lovely snow shots Miranda - A light dusting of snow always seems to define the "bones" of a garden somehow.
Kep warm
Hi Miranda,
Lovely snow photos. We have had loads of snow over the last week too, but I have not got many photos yet. In my area, more snow is forcasted on Monday. We have already had 2 days off school this week because of heavy snow.
That bird table photo is amazing. I counted 10 Blue Tits just from that photo :-)
There is quite a queue at your bird table. They look very grateful!
Much as I love Hellebores I can't keep Helleborus Niger. I must have lost 4 or 5 over the years.
Lovely to see snow transform a garden, and even better when it doesn't outstay its welcome (lol)
Hi Karen, Joe & Easygardener
You're absolutely right Karen - somehow a garden covered in snow does look lovely - we've not had anymore snow to talk about but you n ever know - the winter isn't over yet!
Hi Joe - sounds like the UK has plunged into chaos... I can remember hoping when we got snow when I was younger that there would be enough so we wouldn't be able to get to school - sadly it never happened! I think you struck lucky! The birds here are amazing I counted 17 blue tits/great tits on the table at once the last time.... hungry little birds or maybe greedy?!
Hi Easygardner - you're right about the constant queue at our bird table - it's amazing and so many more this year than last year and an increase varieties too. Wouldn't have minded if the snow had stayed just a little bit longer :-)
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