I obviously hope you enjoy browsing through the postings on here - do feel free to leave comments as it's always good to see who's visiting and to hear about other people's experiences - after all you never stop learning do you?

If you've any gardening questions or you live in Brittany and are looking for some gardening help - be it design work, planting or general gardening or you simply would like some advice, please don't hesitate to CONTACT ME or call me on 0033 661 77 23 89 (from UK) or 0661 77 23 89 (from France).

Happy gardening!

Friday, 14 December 2007

The freezing weather continues....

I can't remember the last time we had continued frosty weather like this - the chance to get out with the camera has been a lot of fun...

Despite it being icy cold, it really is beautiful and even the cows came to take a look!

Every tiny detail is covered with fine particles of ice - even the catkins weren't exempt- nor each blade of grass.

I just wanted to make the most of the opportunity as you don't see this everyday!
Then to finish off with... frosted oak leaves and cobwebs.


Anonymous said...

Il fait plus froid dans le Nord de la Bretagne que dans le Sud

Miranda Bell said...

Merci bien pour votre visite... Combrit - ou vous habitez c'est pres du http://www.parcbotanique.com/ - nous avons passer les vacances pres de Concarneau l'annee derniere mais malheuresement c'etait fermer! J'aimerai bien de le visiter un jour!

Chrissie said...

Lovely photos! It is great to get out with camera isn't it :-)

Marguerite said...

Il estvrai qu'il afit très froid en ce moment, mes clématites ont fini par se rendre à l'évidence : il leur faut renoncer et attendre le printemps. Mais il y a bien d'autre fleurs. Déjà des jasmins, les forsythias. Et les bergenias, bien sûr, que j'aime car comme les pensées ils sont des petits indicateurs courageux de température.

C'est joli des photos de givre surles ombelles et les arbres. Et le froid va assainir le jardin des parasites...

Miranda Bell said...

I can't believe this weather continues on and yet even whiter here this morning... the time to forget doing gardening for the moment, and start planning the next things for the garden for 2008!

Thanks for your comments Chris - have you had anymore frosty mornings where you are?

Merci Marguerite - vous avez raison de dire qu'il y a d'autre plantes qui fleuri en ce moment - un de mes favoris c'est le Viburnum bodnatense "Dawn" - c'est tres parfumee!

A bientot... see you soon... Miranda

Meems said...

Miranda: Hello. Thought I'd stop by from seeing your comment on another blog. All your icy, frosty white photos are beautiful and quite intriguing to me as a Florida gardener. Since our garden year lasts 365 days and I have lived here all my life it is hard for me to imagine everything dying and the necessity to start over in the Spring. But I also love to visit the snow. :-)

The cow photo is adorable!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you.

Marguerite said...

Le froid et le givre embellit tout. Même les animaux dont il gonfle le pelage.
Ces génisses ressemblent à de vraies petites peluches bouclées qui ont même un code barre à l'oreille !!!
Bonne année 2008 Miranda !

Kylee Baumle said...

Beautiful hoarfrost, Miranda! I find it magical. You've captured it very well!

I've just discovered your blog and I'm enjoying my romp through it!

Colin and Carol said...

Now I feel cold! Winter here is cold but dry, my neighbour tells me that as soon as ice forms on his swimming pool he will fly to Brazil for a month.

Good luck with your buisness site.

Miranda Bell said...

A welcome to Colin and Carol - I guess you'll know about all the fun of moving to another country, rennovating etc - fun isn't it! When I get a minute I shall have a proper look at your site too - I'm guessing that Spain might just be a little warmer than here right now! A bientot Miranda