I obviously hope you enjoy browsing through the postings on here - do feel free to leave comments as it's always good to see who's visiting and to hear about other people's experiences - after all you never stop learning do you?

If you've any gardening questions or you live in Brittany and are looking for some gardening help - be it design work, planting or general gardening or you simply would like some advice, please don't hesitate to CONTACT ME or call me on 0033 661 77 23 89 (from UK) or 0661 77 23 89 (from France).

Happy gardening!

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Maples and much more....

Sorry there's not been a posting for a little while as I've been away staying with friends in the UK and have been busy catching up since I got back, so finally the chance to sit down and share something of my visit.... It's always fun going back to somewhere you spent so much time and one place we went back to was Westonbirt Aboretum near Bath which has a fantastic collection of Japanese Maples amongst the 18,000 rare trees and shrubs within its 600 acre site. One of the best times to visit is during October when the maples are truly spectacular.

They've also added some fantastic fused glass panels to the aboretum which are a wonderful way of adding some height as well as structure to the space and at the same time are a perfect complement to the surrounding trees - something to consider anyway!

The final photo I wanted to share with you is of the different varieties of Cornus - on a sunny day early in spring they really are spectacular!


Anonymous said...

Love the glass panels. They look like abstract close-ups of bark.

Miranda Bell said...

They were really inspiring... something that would be fun to create in your own garden!

Carol Michel said...

Those Cornus do add some nice subtle color to the winter landscape.

Happy to see you posting again.

Carol, May Dreams Gardens