Before January disappears like the months at the end of 2008 seemed to without time for me to write much on here, I really wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Year for 2009.

With the ongoing financial situation which seems to be affecting many people all over the world, the outdoors is always a pleasant escape, offering simple pleasures such as spotting a robin or a tiny wren or the first signs of plant life - having said that, only this morning did I spot a little Gold Crested Wren flitting from bush to bush in desperate search of food during the extremely cold weather we're experiencing - not a bird that we often see here.

Another excitement was to see the return of the nuthatch to the bird table - we had a pair which regularly visited a year ago and I've not seen either since.

With temperatures here due to dip to as low as -7 degrees next week I've been stocking up on bird food! Aside of the copious amounts of peanuts which are being consumed, other favorites for the birds here are coconut halves, suet blocks, wild bird seed and a mixed seed which I bought in the UK which has mealworms in - the robins especially love these. One thing not to overlook is providing water for them too!

I must admit I do love cold frosty weather - a wonderful change from all the endless rain we seemed to get before Christmas - a chance to get out to take some photos as well...
Hi Miranda, and a Happy New Year to you too. Seems you've got this cold weather too, as you say it's much more pleasurable than rain. all the best for 2009. Andrew
Happy New Year to you as well!
Wow,really cold there !
Love the little wren. Coconuts halfs is interesting,I wonder if our birds would like that. I already made for the FIRST time "suet" and will make a different batch maybe this week.
I have to figure a better cage for it because of the many starlings that finish it off in one or two days.
Best wishes for the new year,
Thanks Andrew - hope 2009 is a good year for you too especially with your involvement up at Folly Farm amongst other things I'm sure!
Thanks Katriana - hope you're not having such a cold start to 2009 as we are - it was -6 here last night!
Thanks for visiting Patsi - I find Coconut halves are great - they're not expensive - normally around 1 Euro each - I saw them in half and then hang them up on a tree or bird table - it's a favorite of our woodpecker!
See you all soon... Miranda
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