Gardening & wildlife experiences of living in Brittany....
I obviously hope you enjoy browsing through the postings on here - do feel free to leave comments as it's always good to see who's visiting and to hear about other people's experiences - after all you never stop learning do you?
If you've any gardening questions or you live in Brittany and are looking for some gardening help - be it design work, planting or general gardening or you simply would like some advice, please don't hesitate to CONTACT MEor call me on 0033 661 77 23 89 (from UK) or 0661 77 23 89 (from France).
Happy gardening!
Saturday, 1 August 2009
A brief visit to Cornwall...
I always seem to start my posts with the fact that it's been a busy time.... and yes it continues that way!! There is so much to do in the garden here in Brittany as we've had such a mix of very wet and then very warm weather which is ideal for sprouting hedges, weeds and grass - also good for the plants but somehow they never seem to grow as fast as the other three!
Just to keep you updated on the wildlife front here - I can now confirm that 2 families of swallows have fledged which was wonderful and we have another brood on the way I think... and our resident hedgehog in the woodland appears most evenings - I can usually hear him before I see him with all the snorting and snuffling they do!
I'd hoped to take some shots of our own garden today but as it's raining thought I'd share some of the photos that I've taken during a fleeting visit to Cornwall to see family including my 2 nephews who I've not seen in a couple of years as they're out in Bangkok!
One of the days I was there we went for a visit to Heligan - a garden I'd visited during my trip in March and it was great to see all the different things so much further on and blooming in July - quite a different sight to all the Camelias and Rhododendrons. I have to be honest and say that some of my favorites were the cottage garden plants - many of which we have here in our Brittany garden. They seem to attract an amazing quantity of butterflies, bees and birds - ensuring the garden always has something interesting to watch.
A real treat on the day before I left was to see the first visit of a juvenile and parent Green Woodpeckers - feeding on insects in the lawn following yet another heavy downpour - does it ever stop? You'll notice that the juvenile has a really speckled plumage, slightly lacking in bright colours and with no real definition of black plumage around the eye - quite a contrast to the parent bird.
Anyway as soon as the rain subsides and I get the chance to take some pictures from here I will post again - have a great weekend and will hope to get around to visiting some of the blogs that I've missed out on these past weeks...
Hi is raining as I type, pitter patter on the conservatory roof. I have had several visits from a green woodpecker also a tawny owl, sadly no photographs....
I so hope that you had some good weather whilst in Cornwall....lovely photographs......
Dear Cheryl... thanks so much for your comments - sorry you had a wet day as well - it just tipped it down here - the garden is soaking - not always a bad thing I guess! Sadly in Cornwall we had about 2 half days which were dry out of the whole week - a total contrast with the lovely blue skies and sunshine we had in March!! Will try and do some blog visiting tomorrow as it's getting rather late now - have a nice Sunday Miranda x
Lovely post Miranda and glad enjoyed your visit to Cornwall.
I know what you mean about everything growing so fast in the garden; this year in particular everything seems to have grown like Jack's beanstalk!! My shears and pruners are suffering from overwork!
Great pictures of the Green Woodies - lovely to see them.
Thanks for visiting Tricia - seems like ages since I was blogging - gardening things seem to have taken over as you say! I don't think in all the 6 yrs we've been in France that I've had to cut our grass or my clients for that matter so regularly... after all the rain yesterday the sun is shining away so hopefully will get some things done out there today... enjoy your Sunday too - I wonder if your shears and pruners will have a rest? Miranda x
Thanks for your visit easygardener - I'm with you on this one - if it wasn't for the difference in colouring you'd hardly know... hope you're enjoying your own garden - will pop over for a quick peak before I head to bed... take care Miranda x
What? You left those french shores. I'm Green, a green woodpecker in the garden here......... well i would be speechless and running around like a loony.Looking for a camera.
Hi is raining as I type, pitter patter on the conservatory roof. I have had several visits from a green woodpecker also a tawny owl, sadly no photographs....
I so hope that you had some good weather whilst in Cornwall....lovely photographs......
Dear Cheryl... thanks so much for your comments - sorry you had a wet day as well - it just tipped it down here - the garden is soaking - not always a bad thing I guess! Sadly in Cornwall we had about 2 half days which were dry out of the whole week - a total contrast with the lovely blue skies and sunshine we had in March!! Will try and do some blog visiting tomorrow as it's getting rather late now - have a nice Sunday Miranda x
Lovely post Miranda and glad enjoyed your visit to Cornwall.
I know what you mean about everything growing so fast in the garden; this year in particular everything seems to have grown like Jack's beanstalk!! My shears and pruners are suffering from overwork!
Great pictures of the Green Woodies - lovely to see them.
Thanks for visiting Tricia - seems like ages since I was blogging - gardening things seem to have taken over as you say! I don't think in all the 6 yrs we've been in France that I've had to cut our grass or my clients for that matter so regularly... after all the rain yesterday the sun is shining away so hopefully will get some things done out there today... enjoy your Sunday too - I wonder if your shears and pruners will have a rest? Miranda x
Nice photos. I always find it amusing to see birds feeding a great hulking baby as big as themselves.
Thanks for your visit easygardener - I'm with you on this one - if it wasn't for the difference in colouring you'd hardly know... hope you're enjoying your own garden - will pop over for a quick peak before I head to bed... take care Miranda x
What? You left those french shores.
I'm Green, a green woodpecker in the garden here......... well i would be speechless and running around like a loony.Looking for a camera.
Green Woodpeckers photos are lots of fun. Never heard of them...look larger than ours.
My blog has been rather neglected of late and apologies to both for not replying sooner...
ST - I did leave those French shores - I love the UK too and it's great in Cornwall where my family are - especially for the wildlife and gardens :-)
Thanks for visiting Patsi - it's interesting to see the different birds which inhabit our gardens across the globe - hope all's well with you Miranda
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