I'm more than aware that the Goldfinch appears to be a common visitor to many people's gardens in the UK but through my experience of working as both a gardener and garden designer in Brittany over the last 6 years I've never seen many of these birds in people's gardens - more commonly seen in areas of wild meadow feeding off both Thistle and Teasle seeds. So you can imagine my excitement today, when I spotted the first Goldfinch we've ever had on our bird table... they really are stunning birds!

An added excitement was to spot it feeding happily alongside our Song Thrush which was also feeding on the bird table. It was pointed out to me last year by some fellow bloggers how unusual it is to have a Thrush feeding from the table itself - they are more commonly ground feeding birds as far as I know. I have been adding some Niger seed to the seed mix for the birds - so I wonder if this was the secret ingredient that "Goldie" came for!?

So two bits of exciting news all in one day, I thought I'd post these onto my blog to keep you up to date with the goings on in our Brittany garden!
One thing I am hoping to do this year is to focus on ideas of what to plant in order to increase the levels of wildlife in the garden - something which has been richly rewarding to discover of the past years - particularly since we've been living here. If you've got any particular hints and tips on this subject - do feel free to add your comments...
ps. my apologies about the photo quality - but these were taken through the bedroom window!
Hi Miranda....any photograph of wildlife is wonderful, in my humble opinion.
I remember you posting the song thrush feeding from the bird table last year. I have had several song thrush in the garden and til' now they only feed from the ground.....
If you have one goldfinch, I am sure you will have many more before the weeks out......
Your Goldfinch is very colorful.
Isn't it exciting spoting new birds in your garden.
All is well here. Hope your having a good New Year also.
Thanks for dropping by to my blog: A Gardener in France (http://gardendesigncompany.wordpress.com/)
I'll drift over from time to time to see what you are up to.
Dear Cheryl - as ever lovely to have you visit my blog and always so encouraging... thankyou - the song thrush and lone Goldfinch feeding from the table here again today - no sign of their pals!
Thank you Patsi - many thanks for your visit too - I love Goldfinches and it was so exciting to have this new visitor... just want my Nuthatch and Brambling back...
Colin - a warm welcome and bienvenue - hope 2010 is a good year for you in France and do pop over again to see what's happening - have added you to my blog list now!
Hope you all have a good weekend - Miranda
Hi again Miranda, Congrats... how fantastic that you have goldies now too. A very high chance the niger seed had them coming back for more!
Funnily enough we have seen the Song thrush at a bird table too… one with a roof on it too. Wishing you all the best in attracting more and new wildlife to your garden :-D
Hi Shirl - two visits in one go - I was delighted to have the Goldfinch visit and it appears to be on it's own as there have been no others with it - just loads of Greenfinches!
Glad you've got a Song Thrush coming to your table too - one of my favorites! Also recently seem to have a pair of collared doves which have taken up residence in the Walnut Tree! No signs of the Nuthatch or the Siskins yet... but I do keep spotting the Goldcrests and spotted another Lesser Spotted Woodpecker two days ago and then a Tree Creeper yesterday... so not doing too badly on the bird front!
I'm guessing you might just have a bit more snow with you right now? There will probably be more wildlife than ever in your garden seeing as you feed them all so well :-) Mx
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