I've never known such a busy time both workwise and in our own garden as it's been over the last few months... well infact for quite a lot of this year! We have had such a dry summer here - bar the last 2 days that is and for a good part of June/July I've had to do quite a bit of much needed watering too which has cut out any possibility of spending any time on my own blog or catching up on all of yours' - I've really missed this too but something has had to give and hope to get back to this v. soon if I get my own way!
Over the last couple of months I've been saving up quite a collection of photos to share on here and at last a brief moment to do a posting...

One of the biggest joys this year have been all the feathered visitors we've had - for a number of weeks we had Mummy and baby Woodpecker visiting - breakfast consisted of small morcels from our fat balls!
We've also had various families of swallows which have been nesting in a number of sites in the granite outbuildings too - none of the scary situations we encountered last summer!
I wish I'd had time to photo all the baby birds around the garden and the woodland - here are just a couple more of my favorites. These two little cheeky Blue Tits and not to forget the little Wren.
The garden earlier on this summer has been a picture of colour - less so now but that is usually the case - here are some of the photos of the garden to give you an idea...
Some of my favorites amongst the plants too...
Then not to forget some of the beautiful roses either...

And last but not least I've got to mention the crop of currants this year, cherries and now the plums - it's been an incredible year for fruit and there are some fabulous blackberries on their way... I do hope you're having a great summer where you are too and hope to catch up with all your blogs as soon as I possibly can... Happy Gardening....
Hello Miranda
The garden looked wonderful in early summer especially with those drifts of poppies, lupins and the roses. That double purple one is new to me - whats that one called. I love the rich colours in your roses.
Your weather sounds wonderful - I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear that Perthshire had its highest amount ever of rainfall in July - looks like August is heading the same way.......
The little fledglings have been entertaining us too here especially the blue tits and sparrows. I would love to have woodpeckers like those in my garden - I can hear them in the distance though.
So good to hear from you again
:) Rosie
Hi Miranda, good to have you back on the blog. Funny you say how busy your summer is, my partner also a gardener is flat out with work at the moment, as we both said, how did we get to August. Loveley to see your garden from a distance, gives a sense of proportion with the house in the background. Glorious flowers too - looking forward to a quieter time and further postings. Andrew
Hi Miranda. The summer colour looks fabulous and a haven for all wildlife...worth all your efforts AND the watering. Similar weather here but we now have some much needed rain at long last.
I can imagine the joy you had watching the birds, especially the woodies.
Take care..FAB.
Hi Rosie - lovely of you to visit again after I've neglected my blog for rather too long... take heart over the Woodpeckers as for the first year or two here they never visited the bird tables and now they do all year round and with little ones too - v. cute! They really love peanuts and also the Coconut halves are good too - will try and pop over to your blog again v. shortly... have a good weekend and enjoy your lovely garden too Miranda :-)
Thanks for popping over again Andrew - glad you liked the photos - it's been a bizarre year in many ways - weather has been quite extreme at times and despite the lack of grass to cut right now (not for long as we have had some rain and more on the way!) there has been more than enough work to keep me busy... have a good weekend and will be back soon - Miranda
What a lovely, large, colourful garden.
Great photos of the young woodpecker.
Early Birder - thank you so much for your kind comments - the birds are a great joy in the garden at the moment as well as the flowers of course but they are eating me out of house and home at the feeders - more like Autumn feeding!! I'm wondering if there's a real shortage of natural foodstuffs for the young birds as there are loads of baby blue tits and great tits in particular - hope you're having a good summer yourself - bonne weekend - Miranda
I enlarged all your photos, Miranda. What a lovely garden you have! I especially like the tall flowers and black currant. My currant plants stopped producing good berries. I'm afraid I need to dig them out. Happy gardening to you!
I am amazed and jealous with your garden. It is so wonderful and I feel like I am in an enchanted garden looking in your photos. The birds really love your gorgeous flowers. They are also enjoying and happy with the ambiance on your garden.
Hi Midmarsh J - so sorry to take so long to respond to your kind comments - will get over to your blog again soon - we now have our Nuthatches back again after a year's break which is v. exciting!
Have a good week - Miranda
Dear Tatyana - thanks so much for visiting my blog - I've had so little time recently and so look forward to having more time for this later this year - glad you enjoyed the photos! Regards your currant bushes - you might want to consider taking cuttings from your bushes before discarding them - if you think this is possible let me know and I can tell you how to if you're not sure... have good week - Miranda
Dear Rose Gold - a warm welcome to my blog - I think this is your first visit... so glad you liked the photos. Miranda
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