A big thank you to all of you who've left get well comments on my site over the last few weeks - have much appreciated all your kind words and encouragement - my back is gradually mending which is a relief and have infact been out for my first proper walk today and how beautiful it was!
It appears that the winter weather has hit this area of France rather suddenly and with many people not really ready for it all - many spent over 11 hours stuck on the dual carriageways stuck in snow last night - not something you hear of very often over here.
All this beautiful wintry weather makes you feel like a child again - last night, wondering with anticipation just how much snow might have fallen over night - needless to say, I wasn't disappointed this morning - I was glad I'd topped up the bird tables as at 8.30am when I drew back the curtains the feeders were full with hungry birds and others were already forming a queue...
This poor female Blackbird was hoping that she might find something on a somewhat snowed up bird table!
The male Blackbird had more luck with the remaining Crab Apples!

It's important not to forget our feathered friends during all this cold weather especially - I'm sure our garden birds get rather spoilt but they need everything they can get during the very cold weather - a time when many don't make it with the freezing temperatures and a real shortage of their natural foods - if you've any apples in the fruit bowl that have passed their best - stick them on the top of a bamboo cane and if it's possible push the cane into some soil or into the grass - they love this and it really doesn't cost a lot - fat balls and fat squares or homeade fat mixes are also great as they give the birds some of that much needed energy to keep them going. Also don't forget to provide them with water especially when it is freezing.
Nesting boxes are also well used at this time of year for roosting in - providing year round sheltered housing!

Lucy much enjoyed her wintry jaunt this morning - with it being one of the first times out for a proper walk it was a time I so appreciated myself as well.

Here are some of the other shots I took of our house, garden and woodland area - all looking very pretty!
All in all a great day - do hope everyone who reads this is keeping warm wherever you are...
I didn't realise that you had hurt your back Miranda - I'm sure you'll be extra careful in this weather.
So the snow has finally reached your parts :) We've had it nearly a week now and my garden is under 18 inches of it now. Your photos are lovely - and the birds are really relying on us just now.
I am pleased to see you have recovered enough to get out and about. What a lovely series of photos of your bird visitors and of the surrounding Winter Wonderland.
I'm delighted to hear you are on the mend. Looks like similar weather to us and the birds seeking out every morsel to stay alive.
I notice that you hang your fat balls in the plastic nets ... personally I would recommend removing it in case any small feet get trapped. You can get dedicated fatball feeders or use a cylindrical peanut feeder and drop the balls inside.
Hope you stay safe and warm AND no sledging just yet! FAB
Fabulious winter wonderland photos Miranda, a lot more than we have in Somerset, but a lot less than further north in the UK, 4 feet in parts of Scotland and Northumberland and minus 18 there last night - that's cold. look after yourself and keep feeding the birds.
Hi Miranda....stunning photography....beautiful images. I am a bore, I really do not like the snow. We have had heaps this week....rain last night took most of it away. Yippeeeeeeee!
I hope I do not offend you but I notice that you leave your fat balls in the green netting.
Birds can get their feet caught in it....I remove the netting and put the balls in a fat ball feeder......
Dear Leaves in Bloom - thank you so much for visiting - my back is mending bit by bit - frustrating but I'm getting there :-) Up in your neck of the woods the weather looks terrible - hope you're managing to keep warm - Miranda x
Hi Midmarsh John - thanks so much for your encouraging comments - I love this time of year for bird visitors - they're eating me out of house and home! Have a good week -Miranda
Hi Early Birder - thanks for your kind comments and also much appreciated your comments on the fat balls - I did know this - but had hung one or two extra ones in the garden during the v. cold weather - will get some more holders when I'm next at the shops as wouldn't want the birds to come to any harm. Thanks again Miranda
Hi Andrew - thanks for your kind comments too - Scotland and the north of England are really getting more than their fair share of snow at the moment - all ours is gone now which is a shame - I really love the snow myself - reminds of the lovely winter walks I did in the hills in Scotland when I was working up there. Hope all's well with you - take care Miranda
Living close to London seems to have sheltered us from the snow - we have only had a little. What we have had are below freezing temperatures for the last 3 weeks. Our bird feeders are busy too!
Hi Easygardener - thanks so much for visiting - you'll be glad I guess that you've not got the same amount of snow as in Scotland the poor things - must admit I do love the snow and hope that we get some more here again soon - it all looks so pretty and of course it brings in the birds to the feeders - the snow makes a good background for photographing the birds too - enjoy your week - Miranda x
Miranda thanks for the visit today :)
A winter wonderland is lovely until it starts causing chaos. There are thousands of motorists stranded tonight on the motorway between Edinburgh and Glasgow. Some pupils are still stranded tonight at some Glasgow schools.
These photos are so lovely they should be postcards! We've got the snow falling here too now, was hoping it would hold off a couple days longer but no such luck and it came in with a vengence!
Wow - real winter wonderland! I especially enjoy seeing pictures of the little robin - we don't get those in California. What the European settlers dubbed a Robin here is a giant bird in comparison! My dad feeds hummingbirds year round and I am sure he has a dependent population in the thousands now, with 4 large feeders that he fills twice a day. It doesn't snow here except a dusting once in a while for a few short hours, but it does freeze a few times a year and the hummers get cold enough in the winter rain storms. Your stone house looks very snug - Brittany welcomed me as a fellow Celt when I was a young adult on a visit - it was a very special time. I remember those stone farmhouses. Thanks for the dip into your magical - c-c-c-cold world!
Hi Miranda! I am glad to see your new post! Wonderful pictures1 I enlarged all of them and enjoed looking at all your guests and snowy sites. We don't have any snow right now. You can send some snow our way!
I am glad you are feeling better! Take care in the slippery snow. Your beautiful snow photos gave me pause; it looks so cold! We have had temps dropping below freezing the last few days, and we have predictions for possible snow flurries this weekend. I laugh. We get excited over a few snow flakes, and look at what you have! I have never had a white Christmas, but it looks like you may!
Thank you for visiting Our Little Corner Of Paradise this year, Miranda :)
Just popped by during the run up to Christmas to wish you all the best, and happy gardening in 2011…:)
We will be in Paris at Christmas to visit our new Grandson :) WG
Glad to hear that your back is healing Miranda. Enjoyed the images of your winter garden and feathered visitors. It made me smile to to read that it is not just the UK where major snowfall causes traffic problems :) I think that our press forgets what a powerful force nature is and that sometimes we are in powerless in its wake. Hope that you enjoy your Christmas and wishing you happy gardening in 2011.
Dear Leavesnbloom, Susan, Country Mouse, Tatyana, Debsgarden, Wildlife Gardener and Anna - firstly apologies for taking so long in replying to all your lovely comments - do hope you all had a lovely Christmas - I'm sure like here it's been a busy time and made more hectic this year by the v. cold wintry weather. The snow has gone from here at the moment but it looks as if the cold weather is on the return... Have a very Happy New Year for 2011 and much look forward to seeing all that is going on in your different gardens next year - many thanks again Miranda x
Hi Miranda,
a nice collection of birds, i would have droves of visitors if i had a L.S.woodie in my garden as they are usually much further south, than my Northumberland garden.
happy new year and i hope you put the bad back,back in it's box soon.
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