I just had to share these rather cute pictures taken this morning from our bedroom window... we have a wild garden bursting with plant life - there is some formality about the planting but lots of informality too! Beyond the main garden is about half an acre of woodland - mainly Oak trees and Hazel with a stream running along the bottom. This is great for attracting all variety of wildlife.

This is one of my favorite photos... this little chap doesn't look too happy that Mum or Dad has flown off! Looks like the parent made a hasty departure!
We started off as I posted a week or two ago now losing two families of Blue and Great Tits from the nest boxes - down to hungry Great Spotted Woodpeckers but since then there has been an abundance of fledged Blue Tits in particular (also some Great Tit babies)... they've been getting quite bold now coming as far as the dead Fennel stems from last year and waiting there till Mum comes back with beakfuls of fat ball from the bird table!
They aren't the only birds feeding from the feeders and bird table - we've had Blackbirds, Robins, Sparrows, Gold Finches, Green Finch and even Magpies coming to feed which I've never in 10 years seen at this time of year... food must be a bit short!

The other v. exciting news is that I've discovered two other regular visitors to our garden recently - a pair of hedgehogs which are the first ones in 3 years... watch this space.
Lovely photos - we have heard lots of baby blue tits but can't see them amongst all the leaf growth.
Lovely to have the little ones visiting. With Blue Tits I only have the parents fetching food.
Great to read that you have Hedgehogs visiting also.
Lovely photos of the little bluetits, Miranda.
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