I obviously hope you enjoy browsing through the postings on here - do feel free to leave comments as it's always good to see who's visiting and to hear about other people's experiences - after all you never stop learning do you?

If you've any gardening questions or you live in Brittany and are looking for some gardening help - be it design work, planting or general gardening or you simply would like some advice, please don't hesitate to CONTACT ME or call me on 0033 661 77 23 89 (from UK) or 0661 77 23 89 (from France).

Happy gardening!

Thursday, 27 December 2007

Planning Ahead for 2008!

As we head towards the new year - a belated Happy Christmas and Happy New Year when it arrives, to anyone reading this!

As one year ends and another one begins I always feel a sense of excitement and anticipation of what lies ahead and start thinking of all the things I'd like to do in the garden in the year ahead.... even if you don't acheive all your goals, it's good to have a plan to work to!

I must admit I feel quite behind with jobs in the garden but all is not lost.... there is still plenty of time to cut back all the dead plant material from perennials, time to prune back shrubs and clear the veggie patch in readiness for another season's growing too - one way of working off the extra calories eaten over the festive period too!

If you visit the site - do leave your comments as it's always nice to see who's visiting and hear about your experiences too... Bonne Annee and watch this space for ideas for your garden during 2008!


kate said...

C'est ma première visite ici. J'ai vue ton commentaire sur le site, India Garden. Tes photos sont magnifiques et ton site est super.

Est-ce que tu connais Sarah Wimperis ? Elle habite en Bretagne aussi (www.sarahwimperis.com) Elle vient du Royaume-Uni.

Bonne année !

Miranda Bell said...

Hi Kate - thanks for dropping by and so glad you like the site - you've also got an interesting blog too... will take some more time to read some of it shortly!

A bientot Miranda

Chrissie said...

Hello Miranda, I agree it is nice to plan ahead. I aim to try to remember the plants I wanted last year and didn't get around to buying, especially for the allotment :-). I look forward to seeing some of your ideas, its always good to see what other gardeners are up to :-) Happy New Year to you!

Kanisha said...

Happy New Year!
Kanisha X

Connie said...

Hi Miranda, Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I am happy to add France to the list of countries where I now have garden blog friends. I, too, am planning next year's garden and placed my first 2 seed orders today. :-) Also getting ready to do some seed trading on GardenWeb.
Happy New Year!

Miranda Bell said...

Thanks all for your comments - as Chris said it's good to share experiences with other gardeners - you never stop learning! Happy New Year Kanisha - hope 2008 is a really good one for you and thanks too for your comments Connie - ordering seeds is about as addictive as buying plants and what better time of year to start!!

See you all soon... Miranda

Marguerite said...

J'irai voir plus tard ton site "business", car je rentre tout juste de mes quelques jours en Haute Normandie. Nous avons vu beaucoup de boules de gui mais ne nous sommes pas embrassés dessous. Mon mari dit que le gui n'est pas nocif pour les arbres car c'est un hémiparasite seulement
En tout cas, c'est très joli et mythique !

(C'est drôle d'être entourée, mise à part toi et moi, de profils fleurs. Mon profil pour Cergie, de mon blog général Cergipontin, est une marguerite)