I obviously hope you enjoy browsing through the postings on here - do feel free to leave comments as it's always good to see who's visiting and to hear about other people's experiences - after all you never stop learning do you?

If you've any gardening questions or you live in Brittany and are looking for some gardening help - be it design work, planting or general gardening or you simply would like some advice, please don't hesitate to CONTACT ME or call me on 0033 661 77 23 89 (from UK) or 0661 77 23 89 (from France).

Happy gardening!

Monday 26 May 2008

If you go down to the woods today you're sure of a big...

Surprise was what I got when at a client's property today - looking out of the conservatory of the old Moulin (Mill House) onto a rather soggy garden - to discover a water vole having the time of its life!

We had so much rain last night mixed with thunder and lightening that I was prevented from doing my normal twice monthly grass cut here and yet here was this little bundle of fur helping me along! It was totally oblivious to the fact that I was standing perhaps a couple of meters away at most the other side of the french door. It spent it's time busily munching away on grass and tugging away at it so it could get the roots as well and finally it swam away diving down in amongst the reeds and probably back to its nest... You can discover more on water voles from the following link -

It made my day!


Meems said...

It's always a treat to enjoy wildlife up close and personal.I never tire of observing their cute little antics as they go about their own life doing what comes naturally to them. Very nice, Miranda that you had the good surprise.
meems @Hoe&Shovel

Cheryl said...

Totally completely and utterly envious.....have hurried over before the grandechildren arrive, will be back tonight to study and absorb. Thank you for sharing Miranda and bringing much joy to a wildlife gardener.

Miranda Bell said...

Thanks Meems - having wildlife in your garden adds another dimension I think - as I've spent more and more time here I realise quite how many different bees there, let alone all the beautiful birds too and aside of a bit of weedkiller for our gravel I've not used any chemicals in our garden at all this year and I'm convinced that makes a big difference... see you again soon! Miranda

Miranda Bell said...

You must have just posted that Cheryl!! Thought you might enjoy this little chap... it really totally made my day - especially as earlier on, whilst strimming - quite a distance away from the car I may add, had very unluckily managed to flick up a piece of gravel which went straight through the passenger window of my car - I got such a shock - all covered on inssurance but you know the hassle factor! Anyway will get the car back today hopefully! Enjoy Leeds Castle! Miranda

Miranda Bell said...

Thanks Meems - having wildlife in your garden adds another dimension I think - as I've spent more and more time here I realise quite how many different bees there, let alone all the beautiful birds too and aside of a bit of weedkiller for our gravel I've not used any chemicals in our garden at all this year and I'm convinced that makes a big difference... see you again soon! Miranda

Anonymous said...

Superb photo - what fun to see one of these creatures.
Were they quite tame?

Miranda Bell said...

Thanks Big Veg Challenge... not tame at all - it just happened that I was inside behind a large glass french door and for some reason managed to remain anonymous the otherside... water voles are very shy normally which is why it was such a wonderful suprise... glad you liked the pictures... Miranda

Shirley said...

Wow, Miranda that was a surprise for you :-D

Good job you had your camera with you! What a treat to see. Great photos :-D

ST said...

i haven't seen a water vole for about 15 years. They used to be very common, not the case now. But i don't spend as much of my free time on the rivers edge as i used to.
Great pics by the way

Cheryl said...

Hi Miranda....It is never the damage, it is the hassel of getting a job done. Hope that it is all sorted now.

Be careful out there!!!!!

Miranda Bell said...

Hi All - hope you're having a good weekend - despite showing a sunny/showery day it's been ideal for gardening and no rain so far, and have managed to get through quite a bit... photos to follow....

Shirl - I was SO lucky to have my camera at hand as often in those situations you never have it with you... It was one of those magic moments!

Hi ST - glad you liked the pictures - having seen one a couple of times last year nearer to our own home and the speed they go at, I realised that I was pretty lucky to have a front row view of this one and for a good 5 mins at that!

Hi Cheryl... thanks - my car is back in one piece and hassle over with... time to concentrate on the next project in the garden now...
